T.K. Hall's Fantasy Book Reading List helped get "A Perfect World - Tatriel" written. It's the first of a trilogy to come your way. See if they can help your journey if you want to be a writer.
- My Fantasy Book Reading List -
T.K. Hall self-published at Authorhouse.
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Do you know vibrations coming from your own body? Can you feel the vibrations that come from others? Start to observe them. Start to KNOWINGLY create yours to Love and have abundance in your life.
Did you know colors have actual vibrations? Did you know there is a scale to understanding the tone level vibrations, a scale to know the color vibration of a body at any given mood, and charts to know vibrations of any particular color in working to wear, advertise, or send messages? Are you drawn to wearing a particular color? Have you ever asked yourself WHY?
T.K. Hall's Fantasy Novel takes you on a journey that will vibrate the start of a new journey for you.