Fantasy Book Reading List - pick what's good for you

My Fantasy Book Reading List helped me get "A Perfect World" written.

"20 Master Plots" by Ronald Tobias, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Building Believable Characters" -5 stars- by Marc McCutcheon, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing" -10 stars- by Various authors, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Crafting Scenes" by Raymond Obstfeld, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Creating Character Emotions" by Ann Hood, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Creating Plot" by J. Davis, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Editors on Editing" by Gerald Gross, Edited by Grove Press

"Flip Dictionary" -10 stars- by Barbara Kipfer, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Illustrated Reverse Dictionary" -10 stars- Publisher Reader’s Digest

"Mastering Point of View" -5 stars- by Sherri Szeman, Publisher Story Press

"On Writing Science Fiction" -8 stars- by Asimov’s Sci Fi, Editors Owlswick Press

"Self-Editing for Fiction Writers" by Browne & King, Publisher Harper Perennial

"Trade Secrets" -6 stars- by Eva Shaw, Publisher Paragon House

"Writing and Selling Science Fiction" -6 stars- By Sci Fi Writers of Am., Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Writing Dialogue" -10 stars- by Tom Chiarella, Publisher Story Press

"Writing Romances" -5 stars- by Gallagher and Estrada, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy" -8 stars- by Crawford Kilian, Publisher Self Counsel Press

"Writing the Breakout Novel" -10 stars- by Donald Maass, Publisher Writer’s Digest Books

"Writing With Power" -8 stars- by Peter Elbow, Publisher Oxford

My Fantasy Book Reading List - get published at Authorhouse.

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