About the author TK Hall


About the author TK Hall has now worked from three different homes, four different offices to paint her trilogy's creation. First in MN, the living room was turned into the library office. How my creativity of writing had taken over my life. After a few years, I finished turning the two lower garage spaces into an office and standard poodle grooming room. There I moved the office to twice the size in the picture below.

In moving to TX, the office was again the focal point as you walked in the door to the great room.

Now in OR, the living room is the office library, sorry no couch to set on, only office chairs and a nice cozy bench to be creative on, which the poodles LOVE.

"A Perfect World - Tatriel", first of a trilogy, has readers from youth, teen, to adult wanting the next episode! There are art drawings and more included in the book for enjoyment. Readers will find a colorful painted fantasy sci fi story of soaring cars, spaceships, and beings. As well, one will find a chateau floor plan and planet map.

T.K. Hall does not consider life to have a beginning or an end, but a past and a future. A future of how things can be, rather then dwell on the past of what was. Acknowledging the past as having generated the person she is today, experiences that help drive her stories of what could be. And, perhaps, what are to what some call fantasy, then painting in her engineering career for the science part.

With a father in the military, T.K. Hall found growing up in various countries around the world invigorating yet inciteful. These cultures, languages, and lands cultivated a life of interest in living. Perhaps these childhood viewpoints helped free being stuck in “one cultural way of living” to see that life was many things to many people. Viewing how life could be in a spiritual world compared to just a material one, "A Perfect World" evolved.

Living on a farm south of Staples, MN has been an oasis from the hectic world. Though once considered "out in the boondocks," now the homes around seem like countryburbia.

A loving husband "Who raised her on the farm" to become aware of her surroundings in nature, an adult son, and five standard poodle pets complete a day in what is a quiet atmosphere to her.

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Fantasy Novel Book, children, youth, adult reading.

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