Fantasy Publishers


Self Publishing


To find Fantasy Publishers Vss Self Publishing, that is the question!?!?!? How does a writer/author decide?

T.K. Hall has written circumstances (below) that led to the Fantasy novel going the Self Publishing route at this time, which may/may not help you decide. There may/may not be a right or wrong answer here. We (you and I) or the industry are driving us to make decisions on what is good to our viewpoint. To decide Fantasy Publishers Vss Self Publishing, read on...

You decide!

1. They (a particular agent I know) shared if you're any good, you're among the top 10% that will get picked up by an agent. I was picked up within 4 months of searching for an agent to publish my fantasy book, the first of a trilogy. At that time I evaluated Fantasy Publishers Vss Self Publishing.

2. This first contract did not allow me to self publish while the agent searched for a publisher that year I had signed up with them.

3. I had begun researching a fantasy publisher vss self publishing during the contract period.

4. I limited to choose among three self publishing sites found to be comparable in price and services.

5. After a year with the agent, some bites but no publisher, the contract ended.

6. The IRS audited me on my writing deductions which were proven to be valid due to the contracts documentation of not self publishing to bring in an income.

7. After being audited I felt it important to start bringing in an income to prove I wasn't doing this for just some hobby!

8. THEN after 2 months of searching again for a new agent and finalizing on a self publishing house, I was picked up by a SECOND agent. Remember #1 above-10% numbers-I felt GREAT and KNOW I have something here for others to enjoy! (Aside from those who have read it and told me so.)

9. My second agent started out with some positive publisher interest...then fizzled. You must remember it is all in the viewpoint of one individual at that point in time working for that company. And they may have had a good or bad day! There was nothing in this contract that wouldn't let me self publish so after 6 months I made my decision and went with Authorhouse.

10. I can now show the IRS I am producing an income from sales and feel like "I" am helping get the book out there to be read and enjoyed by you.

NOW if you're a publisher, agent, or producer and want to check out my fantasy novel, contact me!


Amazon Self Publishing

Fantasy Publishers Vss Self Publishing - Authorhouse

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